I Can’t Believe It

29 04 2007

I am really happy to finally be back in Los Angeles, well I’ve been back for awhile, but I’m far from settled!

Except for one thing. The first thing I did was go to visit my old hangout, my neighborhood Torrefazione, and guess what, it’s closed! It turns out that STARBUCKS bought the whole company and closed all the cafes! I guess they didn’t like having quality coffee and people who actually know how to make a cappuccino as competition for their black plague swill factory.

Oh, well, I suppose if someone would have warned me, I still would have moved back. But now, there is no reason to move to the old neighborhood, or the old old neighborhood, so I’ve been kind of at a loss for WHERE to move. I’m staying with friends for the time being, but I could move anywhere, as long as it’s in the greater LA area, which, as you know, is pretty great. Any suggestions?

Also, any suggestions for new hangouts, preferably cafes? For now you can find me, of course, at Norm’s.



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